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Showing posts from August, 2023

Our August Garden

Stepping into our garden,  the view looks mostly green.  Taking pics of my favourite plants and the colours sprang out at me.   It's important to take time, step back and appreciate 😊. It's the end of August already,  children and staff will be returning to school,  some will already be there.  It's cool in the shade today, but at least the sun is shining.  I have washing on the line! My other half had to clear the pump in the fish pond, after lifting some lilies it had become blocked.  Thankfully,  its working again now, love sound of moving water.  In the wildlife pond, the duck weed has really taken off!  No idea where it came from, but something carried it here.  Possibly newts, we think we have tiny newborns but don't want to disturb them.  Bumblebees love the Sea Holly. As already said, my absolute favourite,  Japanese Anemones.  I keep thinking of putting this Pineapple Lily in the ground,  but ...

End of Summer

It's cold here today.   Either that or I have a cold coming.   I've changed my long sleeve T shirt for a sweatshirt and I'm wearing jeans.  It doesn't feel like we've had a summer,  despite a few occasional days of warmth and sunshine.   Odd days when the sun has caught me out and burnt my skin.   Today I'm shivering.   It's August! We've had a good few months.   Family visiting,  going out to favourite places every day.   So much walking!   Picnics,  breakfast in the garden on a few days and doors open.  Today feels like we should have heating,  but of course we won't.  Just another layer and back to socks and fluffy slippers. Our August garden hasn't really taken off.  We have green but not much flower.   Many of the taller plants have been blown over, the Shasta Daisies,  Perpetual Stocks, Agapanthus, all look over before their time.  Except the ...

Things to be grateful for!

This isn't a list.  It's just some positives in my life that spring to mind ❤️  In this world of distress, anxieties and worries, it’s easy for some of us to forget just how lucky we are.  Mindfulness!   Find something to smile about every day. First, Old Age is a Privilege.   At 65 I've outlived some relatives and friends.   It's always devastating to lose someone when they're young, and as I get older, younger moves across the line with me.  Recently someone asked if my hair was white, or blue (it was a sunny day and she may have had a drink too many 😊).  Well it’s white, and for the time being I’m happy with it.   I’ve reached an age that many don’t achieve, and I’m proud of that too. Second has to be family and friends.   Recently, I spent a weekend with two younger generations and it was wonderful.   Second generation all laughing and helping each other, and third generation playing and interacting with aunts, uncles...

Early Diagnosis Saves Lives

When I was first diagnosed with TTP I was told that any subsequent episode would be like walking down a hill.  With regular Adamts 13 blood checks there is a safety net, but it’s background, it doesn’t show up in routine tests.  Although a full relapse does, you really don't want to wait that long.   Even with a diagnosis, if you begin to feel unwell, it’s important to be tested early rather than sit and worry, or brush it under the carpet.  It seems to me, and I might be wrong, that many people’s Adamts13, slip rather than walk.   Of course, we are all different and we all get colds, tummy upsets etc, and you have to be realistic that we are not immune from more ordinary things.  I was also told that any headache that wasn’t relieved by paracetamol needs listening to.   If it really does feel like more then we do need a blood test for reassurance if nothing else. I’ve had a busy time recently.  This weekend we’ve been away camping again, just for...