When I was first diagnosed with TTP I was told that any subsequent episode would be like walking down a hill. With regular Adamts 13 blood checks there is a safety net, but it’s background, it doesn’t show up in routine tests. Although a full relapse does, you really don't want to wait that long. Even with a diagnosis, if you begin to feel unwell, it’s important to be tested early rather than sit and worry, or brush it under the carpet.
It seems to me, and I might be wrong, that many people’s Adamts13, slip rather than walk. Of course, we are all different and we all get colds, tummy upsets etc, and you have to be realistic that we are not immune from more ordinary things. I was also told that any headache that wasn’t relieved by paracetamol needs listening to. If it really does feel like more then we do need a blood test for reassurance if nothing else.
I’ve had a busy time recently. This weekend we’ve been away camping again, just for one night. We spent a day at the races, not a regular occurrence for us, but a new experience. Not a bad one, the horses were just beautiful, although I do like to stay the other side of fence. I’ve had a cough, and a cold, and I’m feeling shattered. Today is a lazy day, not a day in bed, that’s not my way, but another rest day of taking things easy. But I am confident that any feelings of tiredness are down to my body just needing a rest. And the reassuring fact that my Adamts 13 was high just a month ago. I'm enormously grateful for the care given to me.
I know that some will say I bang on about TTP, and I've had people unfriend me on Facebook. It doesn't bother me. I admit I'm happier writing here, rather than constantly pushing it under friends' noses, but my real friends support me and know why I do it. Early diagnosis saves lives!
Sadly people do die when TTP is not recognised early enough for emergency medical treatment to begin. I've been told that in the past patients have been turned away from emergency rooms because their symptoms have been mistaken for drunkenness. Others have received incorrect treatment or no treatment at all while investigation takes place. Early diagnosis saves lives! I will continue to say this.
My mindfulness photo from this trip away is two Peahens with their chicks. Such a surprise, and a first for me. The chicks appear to be very young. New life, always a joy and a leveller 🥰.
Hope you all find your mindfulness moment today. Be kind and listen to others. Life can be fragile. 😘
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