This isn't a list. It's just some positives in my life that spring to mind ❤️ In this world of distress, anxieties and worries, it’s easy for some of us to forget just how lucky we are. Mindfulness! Find something to smile about every day.
First, Old Age is a Privilege. At 65 I've outlived some relatives and friends. It's always devastating to lose someone when they're young, and as I get older, younger moves across the line with me. Recently someone asked if my hair was white, or blue (it was a sunny day and she may have had a drink too many 😊). Well it’s white, and for the time being I’m happy with it. I’ve reached an age that many don’t achieve, and I’m proud of that too.
Second has to be family and friends. Recently, I spent a weekend with two younger generations and it was wonderful. Second generation all laughing and helping each other, and third generation playing and interacting with aunts, uncles, cousins and 2nd cousins. It was just amazing to have them around us and watch them all together. I love you all! And friends! Thank you for all the time, the walks, the ears, and the cups of tea you have given me 😃
My health! Yes I have several autoimmune conditions. TTP by far the most serious, but it’s monitored, it’s in remission at present, and even if it does slip I know help is there for me. I am a survivor and I refuse to be chained down by TTP.
Third must be having enough of everything! I often muse about how lucky I am to have been born here, and at this time. 100 years ago TTP was not even recognised and I’m healthier than many. When I watch the news I often cry. So many people are displaced, they don’t have food, or shelter, or someone to help with the basic necessities in life. We don’t choose where we are born. And I was born here. It’s something to be grateful for!
I’ve travelled a bit, both before and after TTP and Covid. Not circumnavigating the world but enough to see other lands and meet people from different countries. I sometimes wish I had been more prepared, but I hope I learned something from each place I have been to. We are all basically the same, as I read on Facebook today ‘We all look at the same moon’. The world is not so large, it’s just very mixed up.
My garden! I love my garden and really should spend more time in it! My grandfather told me to never go into the garden without doing something, even something small. I'm convinced there have been more butterflies this year and the bees are buzzing about as I type. We have tiny little baby newts in our wildlife pond and i heard a wren high up in a tree today.
Probably enough gratitude for one post. I wish everyone was as lucky as me. Stay positive, stay grateful. We are alive.
Mindfulness photos for today, Japanese Anemones. Resilience in the garden.
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