Mistletoe growing in an apple tree. Goodness, what a day! I woke at 4am and just couldn't get back to sleep, I had to get up, have a hot drink, and then try to sleep again. Eventually I did dose off, only to be disturbed by odd dreams. Today I was collecting my little Mazda Bongo from the Bongo specialist where it had the major timing belt change. Not a small job, but completed in time to prevent more serious damage to the engine. The only problem for me was the distance from home and not being used to driving alone anymore. My husband had driven me there but having two vehicles meant two drivers to bring them home. And the anxiety had kept me awake in the night. The garage, where the great Royston Heath is based, is close to Glastonbury and with 1000s of people turning up for the festival our own timing was a bit out. So glad to be home again and have a cup of tea in front of me ☕️. T...
The blog of a TTP Rare Disease Survivor. Trying to maintain good health and gratitude for all the love and care I’ve received from family, friends and a wonderful team of NHS Professionals. Years ago it was suggested that I keep a journal of Mindfulness. This is my journal. I hope it helps someone else, as much as me. ❤️