June is usually a green month in the garden. Our spring blossom is over and we’re waiting for the summertime flowers to take off. I’m never really happy with the garden in June, but know how lucky I am to have it!
So, here are some of the highlights, taken before any real damage is done with the weather. We try not to water, I believe the plant roots can grow down if watering is held back. Constant watering is a no for us. We have water butts for containers and hanging baskets, tomatoes in tubs, but we don’t use tap water, especially on the grass and beds. We aim to fill the garden with drought resistant plants eventually.
We had family to stay this month and they were amazing with the help given to our wildlife pond project. The previous liner, approx 25 years old, had sprung a leak and needed to be replaced. They re lined it with enthusiasm and I’m so pleased with it. At one point it was a paddling pool 😃. Thank you! It’s amazing!
So here are just a few photos of our garden June 2023 😊
Globe artichokes by the bunting. I put the bunting up to add some colour when family were visiting and it cheered me up and so I left it. 😊
The gold fish pond, plenty of space and no expensive, high maintenance fish in here. They’re just as lovely, and relaxing to watch.
I think this chamomile but I might be wrong 🤔
The apple tree. None of our fruit trees are laden this year. Such a shame, but the spring was so wet that the blossom was knocked of before pollination. Raspberries are ok, and the birds are having most of them. Fruit may be expensive this year 🤔
Ice plants. I love these and am spreading them around the garden. Surprisingly they seem to root easily and although they do flop a little, they also bounce back in our garden.
More globe artichokes next to the fascia fills in a corner. I do like to fill the beds, empty spaces are not for me.
And our wildlife pond 🐸. Relined and waiting to host the frogs and newts that I know are in the garden. The birds love it too!
I bought this iron frame at a National Trust shop, the mirror from a second hand store. They are wired together and fixed with brackets to the fence post. Love the effect! This is where Hubby and I sit to feed the fish. The red rose next to the pond and the mirror is coming along too. It’s incredible this year, the first time it has taken off really. I hope it continues 🌹
I like to group my pots together. These have a way to go but this year we have red geraniums taking centre stage.
A rambling rose, this one is lost in block of shrubs, and it seems to prefer growing through the fence into my neighbour’s garden. But the little bit we do see is beautiful.
This is such a wonderful time of year! Stay well everyone!
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