So I know I drone on about TTP but some of us patients are trying to highlight and help to educate about the disorder. It is not ITP. That may be blood related, but it's not the same disorder. ITP and TTP are different. TTP is even rarer.
I had my six weekly phone call today and am relieved to report my TTP remains in remission 😊. Always good news 😊 I may be very slightly anaemic and have been prescribed some iron, but otherwise all remains at my normal.
So we press on until the next round of tests. It's continuing, probably for the rest of my life, unless by some miracle a cure is found. But at least there is treatment! Never forget the treatment.
TTP was first recognised 99 years ago, and back then the outcomes weren't good. Research has come a long way, apparently in the last 30 years things have really moved on. This link will take you to TTP Treatments ❤️
And so back to my normal, I always find waiting for the phone call hard, but am so grateful for it. Along with the covid vaccination I had last week, I'm well protected. My mindfulness moment!
And my mindfulness photo today is the jasmine in the garden. So close to the house you can smell the perfume through an open window ❤️
It's just beautiful and I so wish I could share the perfume with you.
Have a good weekend, everyone ❤️
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