I wonder if other TTP survivors are bothered by self doubt. It comes and goes with me. At present, I’m bothered. When we’re young and fit, we fully expect to be that way for the considerable future. When lightning strikes, in my case TTP, it can take away that confidence. In other ways, it gives something too. For me, and others I think, it gives a desire to shout from the rooftops, ‘I have TTP!’ Thankfully I have amazing Haematologists. They saved my life and I trust them completely. However, I no longer trust myself. My body simply won't always do what I want it to do. I’ve been told there is nothing I can do alone, or not do, to prevent my Adamts13 level falling, I am totally dependent on monitoring and treatment. As I grow older, I find that becomes more scary. It’s one of the reasons that I try so hard to control other elements of my life. I can control my diet, to a certain extent I can control my exerci...
The blog of a TTP Rare Disease Survivor. Trying to maintain good health and gratitude for all the love and care I’ve received from family, friends and a wonderful team of NHS Professionals. Years ago it was suggested that I keep a journal of Mindfulness. This is my journal. I hope it helps someone else, as much as me. ❤️