Family Holidays at Home

It's an age since I posted!   We've been busy, visiting family, helping out at birthday parties (I'm relieved that children do still play party games, pin the horn on the unicorn was very popular 😀), plus we've had other family members camping in our garden, with more to come. And the summer holidays are not over yet!   

We've walked on Exmoor, the beach, and we've picnicked almost every day.  We've sat in the park, listened to gigs on the bandstand and walked and talked.  Exhausting,  but so much fun!  And laughed!  I'm feeling so much better than the first half of this year.

Exmoor Heather and Gorse, it's just beautiful at this time of year. 

We took the Exmoor Coaster and enjoyed the view.  These Ponies were a lovely surprise. 

While the world appears to be losing its grip, ordinary people are doing their best to live.  I don't understand why some demand so much power,  want to trample on others and enforce their own opinions and beliefs.  Peace.  None of us choose where we are born.  If reincarnation is real, who knows where we will born next time.

Thankfully we've had some good weather at last.   While other parts of the world are desperate for rain, we've had well above average.  Now the ground is baked hard.  It's been good to wear T shirts, even dresses!  Goodness, it's been great to put the fleeces away.  Today it's raining again, but still warm and windows are open.  We've had bees on the Sea Holly  and the occasional butterfly,  I'd like to see more.  There's no doubt that our weather is changing.  Rain, thunderstorms, sunny days, storms, we've had the whole range this summer. 

Health wise, my Adamts13 remains high, iron tablets have been prescribed to help with low HB.  I've made more changes to my diet too.  I've cut down my caffeine intake by having only one cup of tea first thing and no coffee at all, plus I've tried to replace wholemeal bread with soda bread.  It's all for the greater good.

The garden has been neglected and is showing signs of needing TLC.  This week we're trying to catch up a little.   The garden project has been on hold again and bindweed is racing away.  Bindweed has no enemies,  it seems, except us trying to keep it under control.   It's winning again.

In the garden, the Hanging Baskets have been wonderful.  We give each one a good overnight soaking in a bucket  in rotation. 

An unwelcome resident slug has decided to take up climbing!   We much prefer that the robins eat the mealworms. 

Wherever you are  I wish you peace.  Enjoy your home, live your life, love your family and friends.  The grass is not always greener somewhere else and no roads are paved with gold.  Be happy.  

