August Garden Update, ECGs and Rocket Dogs

It's ECG day today, plus blood tests.  These are not TTP related but cardiology.  It's another slow step forward,  however,  I don't feel I can complain,  I've had such amazing treatment from the NHS.  I await the next step.  Our local medical centre is struggling with a shortage of staff.  We live in such a beautiful area, it's a mystery why it can't attract professional people.  Today, the nurse was completely amazing,  calm and kind.  Thank you 😊 

I posted a card on my way home and happened to pass a great little shoe shop, Chapman's.  There were sale stickers and I stopped to look.  I figured there's no harm in the occasional treat.  So I treated myself 😁.  

Rocket Dogs!  Who knew? 🤫

It must be about time for a garden update!  We've been so busy with family that the garden has been neglected,  however,  we're catching up slowly.   The weather last night was rough, it's still very breezy today.  It's not easy to photograph swaying plants but I've tried 😊  It's stopped raining and really the garden needed it.  

Japanese Anemones,  my absolute favourite plant in the garden. 

The last Globe Artichoke to flower.

Maybe the last rhubarb of this season?  We did have a few gooseberries and blueberries too.

Sedum, Ice Plants, we’re filling in gaps with these.  They seem pretty easy to propagate. 
The Sweet Peas have done well.  I keep cutting them to prevent them going to seed.  I've also planted four sunflowers to grown up in the same planter.

The pots are still pretty amazing.  The sunshine makes a huge difference to the Gazanias.

Sea Holly, the bees love this but not today.  The strong breeze is keeping them away.

Verbena,  no butterflies today either.   I'm guessing that's due to the cool breeze today too, but where do they go?

My favourite place to sit,  but again,  not today.  Maybe tomorrow. 

This week's yellow label 🏷.   A patio apple tree from Morrisons 😁

I still haven’t found another blogger with Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.   It is rare, but I’ve found other rare disease blogs.  

The world keeps turning.  Let's hope people keep talking.

Stay well  ❤️
