I've been thinking about my blog. I began to journal as a way forward through the fog of PTDS and I think I've found my way. I can find the daily mindfulness more easily than when I started.
I'm not really sure if anyone reads my words. They probably don't mean anything to anyone else and I don't know if they are read or not. Statistics tells me I've had page views from around the world, but it could just be automated bots scanning the words. More recently, I've come to suspect it is. That's OK, the blog is mine and it's done it job.
I live my life calmly. I try to be a good person. I'm ordinary. I'm also proud of coming this far. From a quivering wreck of post treatment and TTP diagnosis, I'm happy. I've lost many people along the way, family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, many younger than me, for reasons other than TTP. I do wonder sometimes why I survived and they didn't. I don't believe I'm here for any specific purpose or to save the world. However, I have seen my grandchildren and I'm a survivor.
So from now on I shan't post so often about the ordinary things of life. If TTP does bare its awful head, I may document that, but not the porridge. For now my Adamts13 is 124, getting towards the highest it's been. I'm just getting on with life. I aim to enjoy my family, to keep up the walking for fitness levels, to work on my brain training word games for my grey cells and to make my garden prettier 😊.
I dont feel the need to be on a rare disease crusade any longer, I'm passing the banner on to those following along.
The world is a mess and I hope that common sense will prevail. It can be a better world for everyone if everyone just does their bit. However social media is full of clips with funny stories, sad stories, tips, experiences and people trying to sell you things. I'm not really sure why we all want to reach so far, but I guess each person has their own reasons. For those that are in recovery, I applaud you. You will get there, it takes time, patience. Love yourself.
The TTP Support Network is a wonderful place to find information and understanding friends. An article, recently published, has helped me to understand how far I have come. It can be found in the useful info section of the TTP Support Network-psychology
The photo on this post was taken on a walk on the Somerset Steam Coast Path. We walked on Christmas Day, after our dinner. Quite by chance, we witnessed a Murmuration of Starlings! We heard them before seeing them, it was a magical moment as they all came into view 😀. You never know what experiences are out there waiting for you, 😘.
I wish you all a peaceful, joyous, 2025. Be happy 😊
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