2nd September 2024

We had another lovely few days with more family visiting.   It does seem that our growing family like to spend time with us and we take that as a compliment.  We love having them to stay, even if we need to chill and wind down when they leave.  Long may they love coming to our home.

I don't think I've ever made as many Sand Castles as I've made this year!  

Or paddled quite so often 😅

I was stung by a wasp too, that's the downside of picnics!  It still itches.  It's made me wary of wasps, although I haven't been stung for years.  At least it chose me, and not a little one.

The weather has been variable.  Some sunshine, but also showers and cold winds, we've sat on the beach in our fleeces,  but I think the Iron tablets may have kicked in 🤞.  I already knew this, I need to remember that my body more needs rest days in-between busy days.  I simply can't rush around so much as I did.  

In the garden, our summer flowers, which have struggled,  are already coming to an end.  The sunflowers are way behind and don't even have buds on them.  Some have been eaten by slugs.  No sunflowers this year.

A few years ago, a friend gave me some Globe Artichoke, they have been a mess.  I've decided to take them out, if I can.  I did see two beautiful bumble bees though.

The last Globe Artichoke this year.

Today, 2nd day of autumn, its raining again.  The Sweet Peas are hanging on, I remove  seed pods daily.  Already the day light hours are decreasing and horror upon horror we've had the first spider hunting in the bathroom!  

Time marches on.  Today was blood test day again.  No phone calls of doom, so I wait for my Adamts13 result.   I was reminded of how far I have come though.   On my my first visit to the Beacon Centre,  after being handed back from the BRI, I had a panic attack.   Still high on a cocktail of  meds, even a blood test was enough, fearing the result.   When my husband was told he had parked the car in a space reserved for radiotherapy patients and had to move it, I simply didn't know what to do.   Now I wander in, take a seat,  play a word game and wait.  Yesterday I saw how worried some patients were, first visits, not knowing what was going on, or what the future holds.  My heart goes out to them.  Stay well, everyone. 

