TTP, Anxiety and AF

We have yet another weather warning for heavy rain.  Our summer hasn't really started and almost everyone I know is fed up with the cold and wet.  I have dresses I haven't worn for two years now.  Is it too early to put them on Vinted?  ๐Ÿคท‍♀️  I'm not alone in wrapping up in jeans and jumpers, and having a blanket on my knees in the evening, in July, it's crazy.   More worrying is the lack of insects in our garden.  Yesterday,  a warmer day, we saw only one bee.  We have plenty of woodlice ๐Ÿคจ

My anxiety levels have been high.  It's almost two years since my last Retuximab and I can't help but wonder if TTP is just around the corner.  I know that Haematology are aware of this and I'm grateful to them for their care.  I had an attack of AF over the weekend that scared me and I don't know if its all connected  like the chicken and the egg.  I've been waiting for Ablation,  and the last thing I need now is TTP kicking off.  I'm grateful for an upcoming appointment with Haematology,  when I can ask some questions.  TTP/Anxiety/AF, I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed,  but it's not easy.  I want to get things sorted.

We are trying to press ahead with garden projects, however they are on hold again.   The old shed has been dismantled and a new one ordered.   The base is sound but there's a lot of ground clearing to do around it.  It's frustrating that I can't spend time on this, partly because of the weather.  It doesn't help and I want to be out there.  

On a brighter note, because this is meant to be a journal of mindfulness,  my little area nearer the house is beginning to take shape.  We have tomatoes ready to eat although lettuce and raddish seeds haven't germinated.  We have plenty of bindweed ๐Ÿคท‍♀️

The view from my window!

I'm really pleased with the planters.

We will have plums!

Just a few phone pics here of the garden from the window.   And then I have to move and warm up!   To all my fellow TTPers, stay well.  HP to you all. ❤️
