A Place To Sit and Dream

Things are hopefully looking up.   The election is over and the new government seem full of enthusiasm.  I really hope they are more honest and less sleazy than the last one.  We need some new young, committed, people in parliament and some of these might just fit the bill.  Four Green MPs are a start, please don't get disillusioned. Less infighting,  more compassion,  less advice from retired politicians that didn't get it right in their own time.   It can only,  hopefully,  get better.  Time will tell!

On a more personal note,  my Adamts13 result is excellent and today I've had a phone call re Ablation.  There are risks,  of course,  there are with anything.   It's scary when you are read a list of possible things that can happen,  but the good news is that it does work in 50%, or more, of patients.   I have to give it a chance if I'm allowed to.   I really want to be able to live my years as well as I can.  I need to look after myself.  I aim to walk Exmoor again.

I've decided to post our July Garden.  There's another weather warning ⚠️ on the way, for even more rain and I wonder how much damage will happen overnight.   It's colder too, no heat wave here.  I'm really pleased with some of our plants, others are not so great but we know that nothing is perfect.   I am still concerned about the lack of insects and the lack of pollination.  

A place to sit.  On warm days we sit here and watch the fish.  It's calming and therapeutic. 

A place to wander.   I like to stroll around to see what has changed.

A place to work.  The old shed has finally been dismantled, although to be honest my other half and son did it all.  I clipped some brambles and cleared some bindweed 🤷‍♀️.

A place to dream.

My favourite Hydrangea. 

Globe Artichoke,  planted in totally the wrong place but almost impossible to move!  They're very architectural. 

The salad trough,  made from an old pallet.  No lettuce yet but worth a try.

Our tomato plants look a bit sad, but being away for a month didn't help them. 

The Hosta is loved by the slugs.  They are determined,  even a wrapping of wool packaging hasn't saved it.

We have a good crop of plums, however there are no pears, cherries or apples at all this year.  First time ever since having our fruit trees.  

I visited an elderly friend this week and they kindly gave me a tray of young plants taken from cuttings.   Well, it would have been rude to refuse 🤔.  Thank you ❤️
