I must be on the up because I'm just beginning to climb the walls. The weather so far this week has been wet, wet, wet. Again! Is this climate change? Is this our weather, forever? No wonder there are so many horrible viruses around.
I have had rest days. It's 1st May today and these last few months have been my least active since my TTP episode. I've read, watched TV, finished some sewing projects, napped. All indoors, sitting, blanket on my knees. I mean, I know I'm a Nanna, but goodness I've felt my age. I do feel better, the back pain is gone and at last I do feel able to crack on.
A friend phoned and asked if I was well enough for a gentle walk. I couldn't refuse. This morning is the first without bad weather, no rain, no wind, still no sun but the temperature has risen a few degrees. It was warm enough to walk. There's a weather warning for tonight, more rain and thunder storms ⚠️
We decided to go to the Bluebell Woods not far from here. Four of us drove, wrapped up and booted, for a short gentle stroll, far from the madding crowd.
It's such a treat to be out in the fresh air and chatting with friends. I've cancelled so many appointments over recent months, theatre tickets, hair appointments, meetings, walks, even TaiChi has been too much. Assured that my blood levels are good, and aches and pains considerably reduced, I'm confident that I'm well on the mend.
Today's walk is one I've done many times before. We knew the route well. There weren't so many Bluebells as we expected, is it a bad year for Bluebells? Perhaps too wet, or just too cold?
Wild orchards are hidden in the brambles.
Wild garlic grows in the hedgerows.
This old smithy is slowly being strangled by Ivy 🤨
We stood and gazed towards Dunkery in the distance, another more strenuous walk for another day.
Chocolate Box Cottages. Someone works hard to maintain this view.
As usual, we finished with a coffee and a snack 😋. Appetite has improved and I ate it before I even thought about a photo 🤔.
I must be getting better this time!
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