At last! Yesterday bought a blue sky, no rain, no cold wind! It felt to me like the first day of spring! What a difference it makes 😊 Finally, we were able to enjoy some time in the garden, in the sunshine!
I had bought some polyanthus a few weeks ago and managed to plant them in some pots. Weeded a small patch, pulled up a mountain of Ivy, and other half was able to cut the grass.
I'm determined not to overdo it I've learnt recently to take smaller steps. A bit of time each day might be better than sudden bursts of weed pulling 🤔
I've taken a few photos, they're not great. The Tadpoles are amazing though, thousands of them! Sadly some will be eaten by the birds. Nature is a conundrum. Hopefully enough will survive to grow into frogs, toads, newts. Then they will in turn eat slugs and snails. Life is a circle.
A thousand or more tadpoles in the little pond.
Cyclamen and primroses love the gravel!
Forget Me Nots, Bluebells and Sedums are already well above ground.
Our old Cherry Tree is showing some signs of life.
As is the Plum Tree.
And the Pear 🍐
This very invasive 3 Cornered Leek
(also called 3 cornered garlic and onion weed) is not so welcome.
Hellebore, a shy little flower that lowers it head.
Our little NT mouse. Every garden needs a little humour 😀♥️
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