We woke to a beautiful blue sky. As we drank our early morning cuppa, still in bed, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We decided it was too good to miss.

Breakfast done, we dressed, made flasks and set off towards Horner Woods. Its a favourite walking spot. The woodland is ancient with native trees, the Horner River flows through to the sea, and it's an almost spiritual place that instantly calms and restores you.
It was busier today than we've ever seen it. There were ramblers, a local group of junior mountain bikers, as well as dog walkers and those who just want to breathe in the fresh air. I guess were not the only ones that need to be restored.
Horner is a short distance from our home, but the weather can vary considerably. Sunshine at home doesn't mean sunshine just along the coast. Maybe it's the hills, the breeze blowing clouds on or off the sea, or just our British weather. Whatever it is, we knew it could happen. Before long the sky was grey and clouds began to open, the rain fell. Geesh! Really, enough with the rain!
We had our rainproof duvet coats and our walking boots on, we were at least prepared for February. Our walk was cut short again though. We popped into the Producers Market at the Farm, emptied our flasks and came home.
At the beginning of the year, I began another virtual walk. This time I'm attempting the Celtic Way, and somehow I've managed 20% of this challenge, despite the weather. I have set myself new rules this year. Previously I counted only set outdoor walks, this year I’m allowing myself my daily step count. It is a longer walk, and I’m on my feet. Some of the steps are from gardening, or will be when we can get out there. Some steps have been log stacking, climbing stairs, shopping. It means I’ve planted another tree, that has to be a good thing 🤔😊

The important thing is to be true to myself. It's my challenge and I am allowed to complete it my way. I can't control the weather, but I can control how I feel about it. I'm 66 years old. I don't feel my age, I may well look it 😄! My son says that to remain young we need to look forward and not back. I'm looking forward to sunshine 🌞.
This afternoon we watched Perfect Pub Walks with Bill Bailey. I absolutely understand how he feels about walking, couldn’t have put it better myself. My other half says he could identify with Alan 😄, but love him, he still walks with me. On an aside; Bill Bailey spoke about the time he read a report of his own death on line. My husband once had someone commiserate with him on my passing away. In 2020 when I was judged to be extremely vulnerable, an ex work colleague had been told I had died. Apparently there was a collection for me, I didn't receive it 🤔😅.
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