This post is a bit random for Christmas Day. I began it a few days ago and didn’t get around to finishing it, now it’s another combined diary entry, even if shorter.
It’s Christmas morning. I’m first awake and so I’m the one to put the kettle on and the Turkey in the oven. My family peeled the potatoes, carrots and parsnips yesterday evening and the pigs in blankets are ready for roasting. Sorry, no vegetarians in our house although I’m inclined more to the vegetables.
The house is very still. I’m in the lounge with the tree lights on. It’s a calm moment before the day begins. We’re at the point where we have what we have and will do without what we don’t. We’re so much luckier than so many others.
I wish everyone the best Christmas possible with lots of love and laughter. My heart breaks for those without.
The cakes are decorated, not brilliantly, one had to be redone, it's turned into a blood bath after the red colouring run over the icing into an ugly puddle instead of 'Happy Christmas'. They're not my best cakes. I should have have started my preparations earlier. I had enough warnings. Next year! 😊
My idea of an icicle ring for a second cake didn't really work either 🤔. Perhaps I was trying to be too clever. But they are made with love and will hopefully taste ok.
The Yule Log looks great though. I bought the Swiss Roll and covered it in dark chocolate. I may be tempted to a sliver over the holidays.
I think our home looks festive. Lights are up, tree is decorated, there are parcels waiting to be given.We are lucky! We have heat, food, and a roof. And most importantly, we have love.
So I will make the most of being here and so should all the other survivors! Life, is something to celebrate ❤️ Merry Christmas 😘
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