We're just back from a weekend in London. Not the sights, but visiting family. Life is faster for younger members of our family, jobs, children, friends, traffic! I did it all once upon a time, haha!
My life in Somerset is easier now. My husband drove home, the M25 and A303 were slow, just almost constant congestion and road works. We stopped twice for breaks and a need to stretch our legs. It's a journey we make often. Stopping at Stonehenge on the way out is always great. We joined English Heritage because of it. There's something about the place, something mystical. Plus there's a car park, toilets (although they weren't so great this time), most of all a place to properly stretch your legs! I love that so many different nationalities are visiting. There are cars from all over Europe.
Today is a stay at home day. We'll catch up on the washing, drink tea, and potter in the garden 😀. As my husband says, 'We know how to live!'. Being 65 has its bonuses. My government letter re my pension claim was waiting for me ☺️.
Children are back to school and the weather has improved. Yesterday, being in the car was too warm. Air conditioning was on but being stuck in traffic with the sun on my side of the car was exhausting. Today is sunny again, warmer than August and dry! Yesterday we brought winter Pansies when we stopped at Amesbury. It is mixed up.
I'm rambling 😊. Time to get up and have breakfast. We're back again next weekend for the TTP Bridgathon. Having family to stay with is a bonus, as is meeting other TTP survivors, it's always good to have something to look forward to, and I'm a great believer in projects 😀. Next weekend we get to do both. 🥾🥾
Updated, there is a heatwave forecast, with an Amber warning, until Sunday evening. Temperatures of up to 32 degrees are forecast in some places. I'm wearing a summer dress! Hats and sun cream are a must! I might take a nap 😴
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