Our September Garden 2023

September has been another wet month.  We had a tremendous rain storm last week and today Storm Agnes is just coming through with more strong winds and rain.  I suppose the garden is doing surprisingly well, considering the weather.   Agnes, also a Patron Saint of Gardeners,  amongst other things, is making herself known.

As ever, when you look at individual plants,  they are standing up quite well.  We had thought we should be moving towards more drought tolerant plants last year.  Perhaps this year, it's a good job we didn't.  What will next year bring?

Here are a few highlights from our September garden.   As often happens, at different times of the year,  there seems to be a colour theme in our garden.  September is the month of pink.

John is making headway with the small greenhouse,  moved closer to the house.

The Japanese Anemones continue to flower 😊.

New to the garden, Pink Asters.   I hope these survive the winter.

Sea Holly, the bees have loved this plant.

Serums, or Ice Plants, they seem to love our garden and we are encouraging them.

Cyclamen continue to multiply in the gravel.

The last of our raspberries. 

How can a rainbow not make you smile?

The space where our greenhouse stood.  We may put a tool shed in its place.  Or maybe a quiet bench?

Stay safe and well, everyone.  
