The sun is shining but the temperature has cooled from that oppressive heat of the weekend. Yesterday evening it was most definitely cooler, a sure sign that at this time of year the house spiders will decide to run amok. What is with them! I’m told it’s the males running around looking for females to mate with, but why do they need to do it indoors where I’m sitting, surely they could find some privacy.
My mother always said ‘If you wish to live and thrive, let a spider run alive.’ I always remember that, and we never harm them, but they do go out of the window. I’m not so terrified as I once was, but I really can’t relax when they seem to play What’s The Time Mr Wolf.
Anyway, last night, just as I was settling down, two spiders decided to visit us. My husband caught them and put them out, but I woke again later not wanting to go the bathroom incase I trod on one. When I woke again in daylight I could barely open my eyes. I think the adrenaline has left me today. I have that feeling in my head, not exactly a headache but a reminder that I have a head. It’s that feeling of tiredness that needs rest. It’s a hectic hangover.
After dropping of our motor at the garage for its MOT, we came straight home. Originally we had thought we’d walk along the prom but it’s not to be today. Washing and maybe some time in the garden will be it today. I do find it virtually impossible to sit completely still and rest, but pottering is my way.
So, no pictures of spiders. I find them difficult to look at, but a picture of my worn out walking boots with spider plants in them. They’ll have to go under cover soon, they don’t really like our winters. I have a project in mind to move our tiny greenhouse nearer to the house and I’ll put them in there. But not today.
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