It's been a real mindfulness week 😁. We've had family staying with us and it was just like being on holiday ourselves.
So lucky to live where we do, we are surrounded by countryside and seaside. Which ever direction you go there is something good to see. The weather wasn't so wonderful, our time on the beach was windswept and ended with sand in an eye, bringing sand castles to an abrupt finish, Kayaking didn't happen at all because of strong wind. However, once at home again we had tea in the Bongo on our driveway and all was well again.
We walked to town, visited the harbour, rode to Blue Anchor on a steam train and had lunch at the Driftwood Cafe. We visited Tropiaquaria, expanded since we last went many years ago but had the same familiar feel. We baked cakes and ate Fish and Chips in the garden. It's all been a little like reliving a little bit of the past.
Yesterday evening, after our visitors had left, we walked and called in for a drink at our local on the way home. It's far better than sitting watching the clock and waiting for that message to say they're home. Always feel better when I'm busy and doing something. Don't sit still. 😘
So back to normal again today, having a blitz on the house work and changing beds, after a lie in 😉.
Tomorrow is blood test day, but really expecting everything to be OK because last month it was so good. Hoping. I've had some small bruises, nothing like in relapse but no known cause yet. I am thankful, I know that some aren't as fortunate as me. We're all different, although there are similarities. Making the most of the good times. 😊
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