Busy Times

July has been busy!  What with camping in the rain, so much walking, gardening and preparations for another branch of the family visiting,  I was fairly exhausted before they even arrived.   May have to rethink this and have better plans in place next time.

I've read that others find they need a rest day occasionally and today is mine!  I make it a rule never to stay in bed unless I'm that ill I am confined to it.  Being confined to bed is something that can't be helped, but staying in bed all day is a waste of a day.  A rest day can be relaxing too.  Today we plan to potter, stretch our legs and wander down to the local park to listen to live music.  And eat leftovers for dinner 😎.

In the meantime here is my mindfulness pic for today 😊


Our little wildlife pond, recreated by another branch of the family,  is really settling in 😊❤️  The duck weed arrived mysteriously, but probably on the feet of visiting wildlife. 
