I’ve said I love April many times. It’s follows March, of course, a month of wind and rain. This winter seems to have lasted forever and we all looked forward to spring. This year, though, the rain seems to have continued and Storm Noa did a fair amount of damage to our blossom. It’s been a trying time for the gardeners so far.
It’s been a bit of a week appointment wise too with two scheduled at the hospital and one at the dentist. All three are thankfully ok, no emergency phone calls about my April blood test, my heart rhythm has settled sufficiently not to need a 2nd Cardioversion, even if temporarily, and the dentist was so gentle and kind I didn’t worry quite so much about one of my back teeth crumbling 🤔 It’s all good!
Our garden is looking great though, if still calling out for attention. The weather has stopped me getting out there very much but our trees and good old perennials are giving some colour.
The rhubarb is a favourite in our family and looks ready to give us a good crop.
The primroses continue to flower.
Forget Me Nots, London Pride and Aquilegia are romping away.
Our Azalea, so beautiful.
Bluebells in the gravel.
A new purchase, Curry Plants from B&Q. Love the smell of these.
Red Geraniums, from Morrisons, inspired by the Picasso Museum on our visit there.
Our Red Acer, transferred from a pot because it clearly wasn’t happy.
Our Pear Tree, moved from under a neighbour’s willow in the autumn.
Beautiful Pear blossom, somehow it clung on through Storm Noa and with bees buzzing around today will give us a crop of pears 🙂
Cherry blossom, our old cherry tree has come up trumps again.
Cherry blossom, so beautiful.
Dogwood, giving some shelter to our pond.
The Plum Tree, sadly the blossom was blown off this little tree and we have to wait and see if there will be fruit.
Perennial Wallflowers, I will buy more when I can.
A good display of Daisies and Dandelions, good for the bees!
Not such a bad April after all, though not over yet, I couldn’t wait to take these pics. I didn’t trust the weather and still wonder if we will lose some of best bits before April is finished. Our Peony Tree is also in flower but refused to stand still 😊
Happy gardening everyone, stay well. ❤️
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