Planting a Treat, Houseplants Need Love Too.

We took our lunch to Horner Woods today, intending to have a short walk.  While we were toasting our sandwiches in the Ridge Monkey the clouds opened and it threw down.  We ate and waited but it didn't stop. We stayed in the campervan,  we've both had cold after cold this winter and have lost the urge to walk in any weather.  

Back home again I decided to do some indoor gardening, or giving the houseplants some TLC.  I have a love of spider plants and have started several outdoor hanging baskets for the summer.  I’ve had one for several years and it’s beautiful.  They seem quite happy for those few warm sunny months, though they do need bringing back in once the cooler, and especially stormy, days return.  The leaves can be fragile and don’t like to be messed with. 

Another plant that I found needed careful positioning is the ficus.   When I bought it, I had intended it for the lounge.  All the leaves quickly tumbled to the floor and it was very sad looking.  However, moving it to the bathroom has resurrected it, albeit slowly.  It will remain there, it clearly likes the warmth, and the steamy atmosphere. 

Other favourites are the orchids.  I tried for several years to help them flower but was unsuccessful. Then I realised that what they mostly need is sunshine.  Moving them on to south facing window sills has done the trick and they bloom almost constantly.  This is actually three plants in one shallow pot.  It’s just lovely.

As a treat, while in Morrisons,  I bought this tiny little Asparagus Fern.  I've always liked them and couldn't resist it at only £1.19.  I've never really had the urge to shop constantly,  but plants are my weakness.   I'll repot it when the weather allows better access to the potting shed.  In the meantime it looks sweet on the cabinet.  

The most important thing about the care, as with all things, is to give the plants some love.  ❤️
Nothing survives without it. 😌
