Someone asked me why I have changed the name of my blog and to me the answer is clear. It’s my blog, and I want it to reflect how I live my life. So it might be boring, repetitive, but it’s an attempt to remain as healthy as I can. It’s innocuous.
TTP is a condition that can dominate your life. Blood tests should be regular, and thankfully in England they do seem to be that way. My blood levels have slipped four times in ten years. That’s potentially four emergencies, although following diagnosis, with regular blood tests the condition is usually caught in the safety zone.
Just after diagnosis, I was told that the slips would be like walking down a hill and someone would catch me before I got the bottom. In autumn 2019 I dived instead of slipping and fell close to the edge. It took away my control, I was ICU for three weeks. (I still wonder if Covid was around earlier than claimed but there’s no proof of that). I needed to get the control back. In 2022 I began to slip again, but thankfully someone was there to catch me. Back in control. I aim to stay there.
Today I have a Cardiology appointment with a view to trying Cardioversion for a second time. I don’t think TTP has caused the Atrial Fibrillation, there’s possibly a family connection there but it’s annoying and is another splinter in my armour. But still, there are so many people with so much more to worry about. We’re all ants really. Thankfully I’m an ant born in a country where I at least have a chance.
So anyway, I changed the name of my blog to Porridge for Breakfast because it represents my life. A steady, healthy routine, to maintain my control over my life for as long as I can.
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