A Stroll at Wimbleball Lake

Wimbleball Lake was constructed in the 1970s.  Its a reservoir, but open to the public not only for great walks around its perimeter, but water sports, bird watching and angling.  We only walk there, the path to the dam is fairly easy access with good views and points of interest.  It’s worth remembering that the valley hasn’t always been flooded, cottages and a farm were swallowed up, and the ruins may still be under the surface.   It changes throughout the year, of course, with the rainfall and need.  Sometimes full, sometimes with gentle, muddy, slopes down to the water.  There are wooden jetties if you want to take a closer look.

Yesterday we visited an almost deserted lake.  The cafe was closed but we had our own picnic with flasks of coffee.  It was just warm enough to sit out for half an hour.  No water sports to disturb the geese or the cormorants, absolute peace and quiet!  A great place to visit at this time of year on a dry, if grey, day.  So good for the soul.

“If there is magic on this earth, it is contained in water.”  Loren Eiseley
