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Showing posts from January, 2025

31st Jan 2025, An Adamts13, Rare Disease, Blip

As a way to make me eat the words in my last post, my Adamts13 took a bounce.  Either over Christmas,  or New Year,  I picked up a nasty virus that left me with feeling shattered and with a cough.   I was due a routine blood test and it showed my Adamts13 had fallen from above 100 to 23.  I was called in for an emergency retest, and an appointment for Retuximab on standby.  Thankfully it had risen to 84, without intervention.  I'm proud of myself for staying as calm as I did,  even though I did shed a tear when I put the phone down.  A week later, my Adamts13 is back to above 100. I had read that many people have an occasional bounce, and as I had had the virus, that seems exactly what this was.  I'm grateful to the team for their prompt action, and their reassurance.   I did feel safe in the hands.  Goodness,  I'm getting an old hand at this.  Several years ago I would have been panicking.  Today we've...