Ever since we have lived in this house we have been, periodically, visited by badgers. Only very occasionally do we see them, or hear them. Sometimes late at night we hear a crunch on the gravel and looking out we see one trotting up the road, not far away. However, just occasionally they make themselves better know. I have to say that I neither love nor hate them. They are wildlife and they were probably walking this way a long time before these houses were built. They eat slugs apparently, which I kind of like, but then they also eat frogs, and I like frogs. It's a bitter sweet relationship. A while back we laid a new pathway and worked hard to get it looking just right. We were really pleased with ourselves! In the night, however, we were awoken by the most terrible noise and we went to investigate. Inadvertently, we had sealed off one of the Badgers' exits and they weren't happy at all. When badgers decide on a route, they...
The blog of a TTP Rare Disease Survivor. Trying to maintain good health and gratitude for all the love and care I’ve received from family, friends and a wonderful team of NHS Professionals. Years ago it was suggested that I keep a journal of Mindfulness. This is my journal. I hope it helps someone else, as much as me. ❤️